
Disclaimer www.little-dutch.com (07-12-2021)

Article 1. Definitions

1.1.    In this disclaimer, the following concepts have the following meaning:

a. Little Dutch: Little Dutch Shop B.V. The user of this disclaimer: Little Dutch Shop B.V. is located at Zeppelinstraat 4 in Berkel en Rodenrijs, registered with the Chamber of Commerce under Chamber of Commerce number 80295258;

b. Visitor: the person who visits the website;

c.   Website: the collection of pages that can be requested via the internet via www.little-dutch.com or any other domain names that are or will still be registered in the name of Little Dutch and/or domain names that Little Dutch uses under already granted or still to be granted License from the rightholder on those domain names.

Article 2. Content

2.1. Little Dutch has the right to adjust and/or expand the information and functionalities of the website and the content of this disclaimer at any time.

2.2. Little Dutch cannot guarantee that the information on the website is suitable for the purpose for which it is consulted by the visitor. All information is offered in the state in which it is actually located and without any (implicit) guarantee or guarantee with regard to its soundness and suitability for a specific purpose or otherwise. The visitor is responsible for the choice and use of the information on the website.

Article 3. Intellectual property rights

3.1. Little Dutch is the owner of the website.

3.2. All intellectual property rights on the website, the information offered, the texts, images, photos and logos, rest with Little Dutch or with its licensors.

3.3. The visitor is not permitted, without the permission of Little Dutch or the entitled party, the website, the information, texts, images, photos and logos offered on it: copying, to publish, distribute, to reproduce, adjust, to rent, lend, sell or distribute.

3.4. It is not permitted to build the website, use methods, programs or robots that collects the data from the website or content.

3.5. If the visitor acts contrary to the intellectual property rights of Little Dutch, then the visitor is liable for all damage that Little Dutch suffers.

Article 4. Liability

  4.1. No rights can be derived by the visitor from the information on the website. Little Dutch is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness and topicality of the information on the website. If the visitor wants to be sure that the information is correct, the visitor must contact Little Dutch by telephone or e-mail.

  4.2. Little Dutch does not guarantee that the website is available at all times and that all functionalities are always fully available. Due to technical circumstances, it is possible that certain functionalities do not work.

  4.3. Little Dutch rejects any liability with regard to the accuracy, completeness, topicality of the information provided and the (undisturbed) use of the website and all functionalities offered thereon explicitly.

Article 5. Links to third -party websites

  5.1. On the website are links to other websites, such as links to social media websites or to websites of stores selling products from Little Dutch.

  5.2.  By clicking on a link to a website of a third party, the visitor leaves the website. The visitor realizes that Little Dutch cannot be held responsible in any way for the content of third -party websites and/or for the actions of these third parties. Little Dutch does not guarantee that the information on these websites is of good quality. Little Dutch has no control over the content of third -party websites. Third parties can change the content of their website at any time. It cannot be expected from Little Dutch to keep these changes.

  5.3. The use of links to third -party websites and/or the use of services offered on these websites is at the risk of the visits.